To blog, or not to blog…

April 27, 2014     scarlettfinn     Blog post

The perpetual cycle...
The perpetual cycle…

The seemingly perpetual cycle of writing and editing has kept me occupied this weekend. Various things have gone on in the previous week giving me little time to do all of the things on my to do list though I’m catching up now.
But I thought I’d offer you a little secret. I put all the finishing touches on Rivals ON AIR yesterday, and that includes a sneak peek of the sequel to Mistake Me Not. Yes that’s right there’s a little bonus in there for those of you that want to know what happens in the next Stone Investigations novel.
That said it’s looking increasingly like there will be a delay before I finish my development of that title. My new project is dominating my schedule and I go where the mood takes me. Honestly, there hasn’t been major demand for the sequel so I’m thinking it might be best to move on to the next big thing.
As I’m sure I’ve already told you my new project is a romantic suspense too. My decision on the intimate scenes seems to have been made for me because they fit and are actually important for character development – go figure. I can’t give you a firm date for release as I’m still sifting through reader’s comments. Saying that reminds me that I did have a message from one reader this week and I had some issues with the email address. I won’t reveal names (obviously) but needless to say if you wrote to me this week and I haven’t been in touch contact me again and I’ll get back to you.
Anyway, what else is going on? Like I’ve said Rivals ON AIR is finished, and I hope you all took a look at the cover image I posted Rivals ON AIR. It looks good I think but I’m always open to feedback.
This is a very exciting time and I have to admit I wish there were more hours in the day! My characters are calling to me and with a business to run and a child to raise I don’t always have the time I want. Then again, I’d sit at my computer from midnight to midnight if I could.
I’m eager to find out what my readers have been up to as well so if you have any interesting stories please do share them it’s always nice to know what is happening to those around us – even in a virtual world.
You guys can email me at my public address and leave me any comments, questions, or requests. I always get back to everyone so feel free to share your thoughts on my novels, or anything else you’d like to share.
Thanks for reading guys and I hope you keep it up. If all goes to plan Rivals ON AIR should be out next weekend! Keep your eyes peeled here and your ears pricked because you never know what you might encounter.

Have fun on your adventures,


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